School Year 2023/24
Bremen, August 2023
Dear Pupils,
this GSW-planner helps you to organise your school activities, tests and homework. At the same time it gives your parents an overview of your school work and enables contact between your parents and your teachers.
The GSW-planner is a fixed feature of your school life. Here you will record your homework, appointments and important information. This is why you need to bring your GSW-planner with you every day.
The section for messages in the weekly planner will be used by you, your parents and teachers.
Use your GSW-planner diligently and use the IL lessons to do your homework and note your goals for the week.
Should you lose your GSW-planner, you must by a new one for 5 Euros.
Dear parents and guardians,
please have your children show you their GSW-planner regularly and confirm that you have read the activities and messages by signing the weekly planner.
Please use the planner yourself for messages and enquiries.
In the attachment, you can find a document that you can download to excuse your child, as well as a download link for a checklistlist of thinks what you still need to do before the new school day starts.
We wish everyone a successful school year!
Matthias Schmuhl Susanne Kaus Katrin Hütter
Headteacher Deputy headteacher Didactic leader